A brain-inspired system
Imagine a neural network as a three-layered structure:
Input layer: This is the layer where the data enters the network. Each piece of information (such as a pixel in an image or a word in a sentence) is fed into its own input “neuron.”
Hidden layers: Between the input and output, there are one or more hidden layers. These layers do the heavy lifting of recognizing patterns by transforming data and finding relationships. The more complex the data or task, the more hidden layers you may need—hence the term “deep learning,” which describes networks with multiple hidden layers.
Output layer: Finally, the output layer provides the result or prediction, whether it’s identifying a cat in a photo, predicting the price of a house, or generating a sentence.
With every new example it processes, the network adjusts itself a little bit to get closer to the right answer, just like a person refining their knowledge through practice. After seeing thousands or even millions of examples, it eventually learns the patterns well enough to make accurate predictions on new, unseen data.
Imagine you’re training a neural network to recognize handwritten digits (0 through 9) from images. Each image is essentially a grid of pixels, with each pixel representing either a dark or light point on the screen.Input Layer: Each pixel’s color value is fed into its own neuron in the input layer. The hidden layers analyze the patterns within the image, like the curve of a “3” or the loops of an “8.” Over time, these hidden neurons learn which combinations of pixels likely represent each digit. The output layer produces a prediction of which digit the network “thinks” it sees, like “3” or “8.” Through weight adjustments, the network gradually improves at recognizing these digits. Eventually, it can identify even messy handwriting with impressive accuracy.